-- -- required packages for this script -- -- ICS Discovery Tools Releases -- ICS Security Workspace(plcscan.org) --- local bin = require "bin" local nmap = require "nmap" local shortport = require "shortport" local stdnse = require "stdnse" local string = require "string" local table = require "table" description = [[ discover Siemens SIMATIC S7 1200 PLC. Based on TIA Portal software. ]] author = "ICS Security Workspace(plcscan.org)" license = "Same as Nmap--See http://nmap.org/book/man-legal.html" categories = {"discovery","intrusive"} -- -- @usage -- nmap -sP --script s71200-enumerate-old.nse -p 102 -- -- @output --102/tcp open Siemens S7 1200 Ethernet Controller --| s71200-enumerate-old.nse: --| Basic Hardware: 6ES7 212-1HE31-0XB0 --|_ Firmware Version: V3.0 -- function set_nmap(host, port) port.state = "open" port.version.name = "iso-tsap" port.version.product = "Siemens S7 1200 Ethernet Controller" nmap.set_port_version(host, port) nmap.set_port_state(host, port, "open") end function send_receive(socket, query) local sendstatus, senderr = socket:send(query) if(sendstatus == false) then return "Error Sending pack" end local rcvstatus,response = socket:receive() if(rcvstatus == false) then return "Error Reading pack" end return response end portrule = shortport.port_or_service(102, "iso-tsap", "tcp") action = function(host,port) -- soft handshake Methods one local connectpack = bin.pack("H","030000231ee00000000600c1020600c20f53494d415449432d524f4f542d4553c0010a") -- soft handshake Methods two -- local connectpack = bin.pack("H","0300001611e00000000800c1020600c2020600c0010a") -- send local connection packet(IE NIC and session) local gethwinfo = bin.pack("H","030000e502f080720100d631000004ca00000001".. "00000120360000011d00040000000000a1000000".. "d3821f0000a38169001515536572766572536573".. "73696f6e5f31433943333932a3822100152c313a".. "3a3a362e303a3a5443502f4950202d3e2042726f".. "6164636f6d204e65744c696e6b2028544d29202e".. "2e2ea38228001500a38229001500a3822a001516".. "4846504654385246375052474837595f34313831".. "3731a3822b000401a3822c001201c9c392a3822d".. "001500a1000000d3817f0000a381690015155375".. "62736372697074696f6e436f6e7461696e6572a2".. "a20000000072010000") local response local output = stdnse.output_table() local sock = nmap.new_socket() local constatus,conerr = sock:connect(host,port) if not constatus then stdnse.print_debug(1, 'Error establishing connection for %s - %s', host,conerr ) return nil end response = send_receive(sock, connectpack) local s7, length_hex = bin.unpack("C", response, 4) if ( length_hex == 0x23 ) then s7, output["Connectstatus"] = "S7 Connect ok" response = send_receive(sock, gethwinfo) local s7, protocol_id = bin.unpack("C", response, 1) if ( #response > 80 and protocol_id == 0x03 ) then local s, e = string.find(response, "6ES7") local o, d = string.find(response, "V") local offset = 15 output["Basic Hardware"] = string.sub(response, s, e + offset) output["Firmware Version"] = string.sub(response, o, d + 3) set_nmap(host, port) return output end sock:close() return output end end